The prime object of El Centro de la Vihuela de Mano y la Guitarra Española “José Luis Romanillos”, is to promote the knowledge, the study
and the contribution made by Spanish makers in the development of
plucked musical instruments.
José Luis Romanillos Vega & Marian Harris
Winspear in the Museum.
Photograph by Nando Ruiz.
The first stages of these aims has been reached with the contribution made to the Centre/Museum by the Diputación de Guadalajara of the contents of the workshop of the guitar maker Santos Hernández Rodríguez (1874-1943), one of the most famous Spanish guitar makers. This has made possible the recreation of his workshop and the contents are exhibited as well as the original photographs of guitarists and other personalities.
The visitor has also the opportunity of admiring the fourteen instruments which are on loan from the Romanillos-Harris Collection.